Zaman Terbalik

Sampai pada waktunya Togog Catugoro seorang abdi yang semula oleh tuannya diremehkan keberadaannya, dihiraukan nasihatnya, sekarang menjadi terbalik. Jaman telah mendudukkan Togog Catugoro berada di dunia atas. Sementara para tuan-tuannya berada di dunia bawah. Mereka memohon belas kasihan agar Togog Catugoro mau mengentaskannya dari lembah kenistaan. 

The Age of Upside Down

Togog Caturogo, the Kurawas’ servant, always advised his lords to handle matters with integrity. However, his lords disparaged him and ignored his advice. Eventually, the situation changed. After their deaths, Togog was elevated to the upperworld, whereas the  Kurawas were punished in the underworld. They asked Togog to release them from the valley of contempt.

oil on canvas
 118,5 cm x 87 cm

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